Events Reports

تقارير | ورشة أضخم تيليسكوب في العالم بالمملكة المتحدة: علماء يتحدّون أسرار الكون في مهمة البحث عن المجهول

يعكف باحثون من مختلف أنحاء العالم على التحضير لإنجاز جهاز التيليسكوب الأضخم على وجه الأرض، و هو مشروع أطلق عليه اسم “آس.كاي.آي” و يهدف من خلاله إلى اكتشاف أسرار الكون و التوصل إلى حقائق علمية جديدة قد تحدث ثورة في علوم الفيزياء و الفلك.. النصر دخلت ورشة المشروع بمرصد “جودريل بانك” بالمملكة المتحدة، أين التقت بالباحثين هناك و اطلعت على تفاصيل حلم سوف تتحقق بعد 3 سنوات أولى الخطوات نحو تجسيده بالقارتين الأفريقية و الأسترالية، وسط تخوفات من احتمال تأثير المتغيرات السياسية على تمويله الدولي، سيما أن بدء استغلاله الفعلي لن يكون قبل 50 سنة. Read More

Event Report | The 2016 Algerian Paper of the Year Awards

The winners of the 2016 Algerian Paper of the Year Award were announced by the Algerian Network for Academics, Scientists and Researchers on May 28th, 2016. The awards, administered by through a peer-review process, recognizes the best academic research undertaken in Algerian universities. It is one of the main activities of to promote and celebrate quality academic research in Algeria. Read More

Event Report | The 2015 Algerian Paper of the Year Awards

Using silver nanoparticles to improve antibacterial activity, developing algorithms for enhancing multiview video coding, exploring the chemistry of sulfamides, characterising the rainfall in Birzgane in the middle paleolithic period, and investigating alzheimer disease in Algerian patients. These are the themes of the research papers that won the 2015 Algerian Paper of the Year Awards, an annual event organised by the Algerian Network for Academics, Scientists & Researchers ( to celebrate and promote the best of scientific output produced in Algerian universities and research centres. Read More

Event Report | The 2014 Algerian Paper of the Year Awards

Following the success of the first edition of the Algerian Paper of the Year Awards, which took place in 2013, organized the second edition in 2014. The purpose of the Awards is to recognise and celebrate the achievements of Algerian scientists through a process of nomination, shortlisting and peer review that fully engage the wider community of Algerian scientists and researchers in and out of the country. Read More

Event Report | The 11th International Symposium on Programming and Systems

As a known biennial event, the International Symposium on Programming and Systems (ISPS) returned again this year for the 11th edition. This year, the event was organised and hosted by the department of Computer Science at the University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene (USTHB) from the 22th to 24th of April, 2013. Since its very first edition in 1991, the growth of this event has been steady and remarkable. The previous edition, held in April 2011, earned the IEEE label and the conference papers were indexed through IEEE Xplore. For the 2013 edition, we also received the technical sponsorship of IEEE subsection in Algeria, thus ensuring the continuity of this high quality conference. Read More

Event Report | The making of the 2013 Algerian Paper of the Year Awards

As any researcher will know, producing scientific work that pushes the boundaries of science is an intensive process that requires rigorous planning, hard work, commitment and creativity as well as a scientific culture and a working environment that supports these efforts. Recognising contributions that advance scientific knowledge is therefore essential to nurturing and maintaining successful research environments. With this in mind, [1] launched the first edition of the Algerian Paper of the Year Awards in January 2013. Our aim is to establish these awards as an annual event to recognise and celebrate the achievements of Algerian scientists through a process of nomination, shortlisting and peer review that fully engage the wider community of Algerian scientists and researchers in and out of the country. Read More

Event Report | ETIC one day conference on enterpreneurship in Algeria

ETIC is a student club that was established in 2009 in ESI (École Nationale Supérieure d’Informatique). We are a group of young ambitious students and we created ETIC to help transform ESI student’s life from a tedious routine into a more fulfilling experience and to promote knowledge sharing and create a space for exchange and reflection. Read More