Tag Archives: Algerian Paper of the Year Awards

Awards | The 2017 Algerian Paper of the Year Awards

Producing scientific work that pushes the boundaries of science is an intensive process that requires rigorous planning, hard work, commitment and creativity as well as a scientific culture and infrastructure that support and maintain these efforts. Recognising and celebrating contributions that advance scientific knowledge are therefore essential to nurturing and maintaining successful research environments. To this end, anasr.org has launched the Algerian Paper of the Year Awards in 2013, an annual community-led award to recognise and celebrate scientific publications produced from Algerian universities and research centres.

In this fifth edition of the Algerian Paper of the Year Awards, we received a total of 251 paper in four categories of nominations: Read More

Awards | The 2017 Algerian Paper of the Year Awards

Producing scientific work that pushes the boundaries of science is an intensive process that requires rigorous planning, hard work, commitment and creativity as well as a scientific culture and infrastructure that support and maintain these efforts. Recognising and celebrating contributions that advance scientific knowledge are therefore essential to nurturing and maintaining successful research environments. To this end, anasr.org has launched the Algerian Paper of the Year Awards in 2013, an annual community-led award to recognise and celebrate scientific publications produced from Algerian universities and research centres.

In this fifth edition of the Algerian Paper of the Year Awards, we received a total of 251 paper in four categories of nominations: Read More

Interview | Winners of the 2016 Algerian Paper of the Year Awards in Physical Sciences & Mathematics

Inspire Magazine speaks with Prof Larbi Bouamama Professor of Optics at the Applied Optics Laboratory, Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Ferhat Abbas University of Setif. Prof Bouamama is co-author on the paper entitled “Two beams two orthogonal views particle detection”, which won the 2016 Algerian Paper of the Year Award in Physical Sciences & Mathematics.  Read More

Awards | The 2016 Algerian Paper of the Year Awards

apya2016infographic-002The winners of the 2016 Algerian Paper of the Year Award were announced by the Algerian Network for Academics, Scientists and Researchers (ANASR) on May 28th, 2016. The award, administered by ANASR through a peer-review process, recognizes the best academic research undertaken in Algerian universities. It is one of the main activities of ANASR.org to promote and celebrate quality academic research in Algeria. أعلنت الشبكة الجزائرية للأكادميين و العلماء الباحثين (النصر) عن الفائزين بجائزة أحسن منشورة علمية جزائرية لسنة 2016 في الثامن والعشرين من شهر ماي. تقدم الجائزة التي تنظمها شبكة النصر عن طريق التحكيم المفتوح، اعترافا و احتفالا بأفضل الأبحاث العلمية في الجامعات الجزائرية. الجائزة واحدة من أهم نشاطات شبكة النصر الساعية لترقية و نشر البحث العلمي ذي الجودة العالية في الجزائر.
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Awards | The 2014 Algerian Paper of the Year Awards

The Winners fo the 2014 Algerian Paper of the Year Awards have been announced in live streamed event that took place in London on the 26ths of April 2014. تم الإعلان عن الفائزين بجائزة أحسن منشورة علمية جزائرية لسنة ٢٠١٤ في لقاء بث مباشرة على الإنترنت بتاريخ ٢٦ أفريل ٢٠١٤ Read More

Awards | The 2013 Algerian Paper of the Year Awards

anasr.org launched the first edition of the Algerian Paper of the Year Awards in January 2013 to recognise and celebrate scientific publications produced by Algerian scientists and researchers across five disciplines: Biological Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Computer Science & Engineering, Medicine Pharmacy & Veterinary Science, and Physical Science & Mathematics (Read original call here). Read More