Tag Archives: Algeria

آراء | التعليم العالي في الجزائر : قراءة في ثنايا نظام الأل أم دي

لا يزال اكتشاف المعارف الجديدة و نشرها و تفعيلها في المجتمع الإنساني في طليعة ما يدفع بعجلة التنمية نحو الأمام ، و يظل التفكير المنهجي ، الناقد و المبدع مفتاح نجاح هذه الأنشطة . و من الواضح اليوم أن مؤسسات التعليم العالي قد اكتسبت و كادت أن تنفرد تماما بذلك الدور الحيوي الذي يكمن في تكوين و رعاية مثل هذا النوع من التفكير . أما في بلد كالجزائر ، حيث تُقوَّض استقلالية مؤسسات التعليم العالي عبر سياسات مركزية ، لا بد أن تقع مسؤولية الرعاية تلك على عاتق سياسات الحكومة في إدارة و تسيير التعليم العالي . فما هي إذن وضعية هذه السياسات في بلدنا الجزائر؟ Read More

“آراء| واقع أزمة الجزائر بمنظور الياباني تاييتشي أوهنو: “المشكلة ليست في المشكلة , بل في طريقة التعامل مع المشكلة”

لا يختلف اثنان على ما تواجهه الجزائر في الآونة الأخيرة من تذبذب للحالة الاقتصادية و تفاوت في القرارات السياسية . فبعد انخفاض سعر البترول بدأ ناقوس التساؤل يدق أبواب الوطن ، كيف ستكون الجزائر بدون بترول و هل يمكن للجزائر ان تمضي قدما وفقا لبدائل العلم و التكنولوجيا؟ Read More

Feature | Algerian Shale Gas Part 2: Prospects and Recommendations

Algeria first announced its intention to look into shale gas exploration back in 2012. The final controversial decision in favour of extraction was then taken few weeks after the presidential elections of April 2014. Following this decision, Part II of this article examines the prospects of shale gas development in Algeria, the challenges and issues expected, and presents some recommendations for ways forward. The aim is to present an objective viewpoint that encourages further national debate and contribute to creating a more informed public opinion on the issue of shale gas. (Part I can be found here.) Read More

Interview | (Video) Prof. Meziane Lasfer on Corporate Finance

Inspire Magazine Spoke with Prof. Meziane Lasfer, professor of finance at Cass Business School of City University of London. Prof. Lasfer specialises in applied corporate finance including Dividend Policy, Capital Structure, Corporate Restructuring, Capital Markets, and Corporate Governance. The overall aim of the interview was to engage both specialists and non-specialists with issues relevant to Prof. Lasfer’s field of research as well as how these relate to Algeria. Read More

Feature | Algerian Shale Gas (Part 1): Facts about shale gas and hydraulic fracturing

Despite ongoing global interest in renewable energy over recent years, shale gas has recently grabbed the headlines as a competing ‘new’ source of energy. Some have referred to it as the ‘energy bullet’ that could potentially create an energy boom in many countries such as China, Argentina, and Algeria. Indeed, the move towards exploring shale gas has intensified following the seemingly successful exploitation of the resource in the United States since the year 2000. Read More

Opinion | Pfizer’s pursuit of AstraZeneca: the Algerian scientific community should take note

Over the last few weeks, the biggest story in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sectors has largely been that of Pfizer’s chase of AstraZeneca. In fact, Pfizer, one of the largest American pharmaceutical companies, continuous attempts to buy AstraZeneca, one of the largest UK pharmaceutical companies, has attracted a lot of interests from politicians in both sides of the Atlantic. Leaving the politics of this story aside, the scientific community in UK has been rattled by this story and this is what the Algerian scientific community should learn from. Read More

Thesis | The Evolution of Algeria’s International Relations: From Anti-Systemic to Systemic Actor

Research Field: International Relations Theory, Foreign Policy Analysis, Identity and Interest Formation, Algerian Post-Colonial History
Thesis title: The Evolution of Algeria’s International Relations: From Anti-Systemic to Systemic Actor
Degree: MSc
Supervisor: Prof. John T. Sidel
Institutional Base: London School of Economics and Political Science Read More