ذات يوم كنت جالِساً في مدخل كلية الكيمياء التابعة لجامعة العلوم و التكنولوجيا هواري بومدين (باب الزوار) بالجزائر العاصمة فإذا بأحد زملائي يناديني و يخبرني أن البروفيسور محمد بونجدة سيلقي محاضرة بعد دقائق. البروفيسور محمد بونجدة هو المسؤول عن برنامج تطوير البحث العلمي المسطر من طرف وزارة التعليم العالي و البحث العلمي. فكرت قليلا ثم قلت ‘أنا ما عندي ما راح اندير خلي انروح و نشوف سي بونجدة هذا’. بدأ بروفيسور بونجدة كلامه بشكر الجامعة على استضافته ثم أردف قائلا:”أنا سعيد بوجودي اليوم في أحسن كلية كيمياء في أفريقيا حسب تصنيف الإختصاصات العلمية الأخير لجريدة التايمس!” ورغم أن بروفيسور بونجدة انتقل في كلامه إلى أبحاثه العلمية في مجال البتروكيمياء إلا أن تفكيري بقي يدور حول قوله ‘أحسن كلية كيمياء في أفريقيا’ Read More
Following the success of the first edition of the Algerian Paper of the Year Awards, which took place in 2013, anasr.org organized the second edition in 2014. The purpose of the Awards is to recognise and celebrate the achievements of Algerian scientists through a process of nomination, shortlisting and peer review that fully engage the wider community of Algerian scientists and researchers in and out of the country. Read More
Over the last few weeks, the biggest story in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sectors has largely been that of Pfizer’s chase of AstraZeneca. In fact, Pfizer, one of the largest American pharmaceutical companies, continuous attempts to buy AstraZeneca, one of the largest UK pharmaceutical companies, has attracted a lot of interests from politicians in both sides of the Atlantic. Leaving the politics of this story aside, the scientific community in UK has been rattled by this story and this is what the Algerian scientific community should learn from. Read More
Back in 2006 while attending a conference held in Bern in Switzerland, I met an Algerian researcher from the University of Annaba, and what I liked about him was how he communicated with the conference attendees in English. His proficiency in the English language allowed him to share his research results with scientists from all around the world, from China and Britain, to the US, Russia, France, Germany, Jordan, Mexico, Canada, Italy, and beyond. This encounter was a good example of why Algerian researchers should master the English language. Read More
The Algerian Minister of Health recently revealed that an agreement has been reached between his ministry and two world-class American universities, Harvard and Northwestern, to train Algerian students as part of the government’s plans to establish Algeria as a biotechnology hub by 2020. Read More