Inspire Magazine speaks with Prof Larbi Bouamama Professor of Optics at the Applied Optics Laboratory, Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Ferhat Abbas University of Setif. Prof Bouamama is co-author on the paper entitled “Two beams two orthogonal views particle detection”, which won the 2016 Algerian Paper of the Year Award in Physical Sciences & Mathematics. Read More
Research filed(s): Computational Stylistics, Natural Language Processing, Data Mining
Thesis title: On Computational Stylistics: Mining Literary Texts for the Extraction of Characterizing Stylistic Patterns
Degree: PhD in Computer Science
Supervisor(s): Prof. Jean-Gabriel Ganascia
Where did you undertake your research?
I undertook my PhD thesis at the Computer Science laboratory of Paris-6 University, one of the leading French universities located in the heart of Paris. I worked under the guidance of Prof Ganascia Jean-Gabriel as a member of the ACASA (Cognitive Agents and Symbolic Machine Learning) Team. My thesis comes as part of the effort started in the OBVIL (observatory of literary life) laboratory. This observatory intends to develop and exploit resources offered by computer applications to examine French literature. It promotes scientific research in the field of digital humanities by bringing together researchers from both literary and social disciplines on the one hand, and computer scientists and engineers on the other hand. Read More
The Islamic insurance sector or Takaful has seen remarkable global growth in many major markets, especially in Muslim dominated countries. However, the development of Islamic finance, particularly Takaful in Algeria appears to have lagged behind. Although there are two Islamic banks operating in Algeria, Takaful is yet to be introduced into the Algerian financial market. We ran a study to investigate the perspective of Algerian experts in Islamic finance and takaful on the issues and challenges of introducing Islamic insurance into the Algerian financial market to address the following questions: What are the benefits of introducing Islamic insurance into the Algerian financial market? What challenges might Algeria face with the introduction of Islamic insurance? And how can the Algerian financial market adopt the Malaysian Islamic insurance framework? Read More
يعكف باحثون من مختلف أنحاء العالم على التحضير لإنجاز جهاز التيليسكوب الأضخم على وجه الأرض، و هو مشروع أطلق عليه اسم “آس.كاي.آي” و يهدف من خلاله إلى اكتشاف أسرار الكون و التوصل إلى حقائق علمية جديدة قد تحدث ثورة في علوم الفيزياء و الفلك.. النصر دخلت ورشة المشروع بمرصد “جودريل بانك” بالمملكة المتحدة، أين التقت بالباحثين هناك و اطلعت على تفاصيل حلم سوف تتحقق بعد 3 سنوات أولى الخطوات نحو تجسيده بالقارتين الأفريقية و الأسترالية، وسط تخوفات من احتمال تأثير المتغيرات السياسية على تمويله الدولي، سيما أن بدء استغلاله الفعلي لن يكون قبل 50 سنة. Read More
The winners of the 2016 Algerian Paper of the Year Award were announced by the Algerian Network for Academics, Scientists and Researchers on May 28th, 2016. The awards, administered by through a peer-review process, recognizes the best academic research undertaken in Algerian universities. It is one of the main activities of to promote and celebrate quality academic research in Algeria. Read More
لا يزال اكتشاف المعارف الجديدة و نشرها و تفعيلها في المجتمع الإنساني في طليعة ما يدفع بعجلة التنمية نحو الأمام ، و يظل التفكير المنهجي ، الناقد و المبدع مفتاح نجاح هذه الأنشطة . و من الواضح اليوم أن مؤسسات التعليم العالي قد اكتسبت و كادت أن تنفرد تماما بذلك الدور الحيوي الذي يكمن في تكوين و رعاية مثل هذا النوع من التفكير . أما في بلد كالجزائر ، حيث تُقوَّض استقلالية مؤسسات التعليم العالي عبر سياسات مركزية ، لا بد أن تقع مسؤولية الرعاية تلك على عاتق سياسات الحكومة في إدارة و تسيير التعليم العالي . فما هي إذن وضعية هذه السياسات في بلدنا الجزائر؟ Read More
لا يختلف اثنان على ما تواجهه الجزائر في الآونة الأخيرة من تذبذب للحالة الاقتصادية و تفاوت في القرارات السياسية . فبعد انخفاض سعر البترول بدأ ناقوس التساؤل يدق أبواب الوطن ، كيف ستكون الجزائر بدون بترول و هل يمكن للجزائر ان تمضي قدما وفقا لبدائل العلم و التكنولوجيا؟ Read More
Prof Kamel Youcef-Toumi is a professor of mechanical engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology leading research in automation and robotics with diverse application areas including high-speed atomic force microscopy, smart-grids, and mechatronic design for precision machines. He holds a number of patents and awards, including the 2014 National Instrument Engineering Impact Award in Advanced Research for building the world’s largest range, high-speed atomic force microscope. He was also awarded as the Algerian Scholar of the Year in 2013. Read More
We took a lightning tour through southern France to visit some of the most famous scientific sites in the world. These included the 2m telescope at the Observatoire de Haute Provence (OHP) near Marseille that Mayor and Queloz used 20 years ago to discover the first exoplanet; the CEA and major ITER project at Cadarache; and finally the facilities at the Observatoire de la Cote d’Azur (OCA) near Nice on the plateau of Calern. The latter is where laser firing experiments to the moon take place to determine its distance from Earth. This was the prize of the three winners of the Cirta 7 Science Competition, which is organised annually by Sirius Association of Astronomy for high school students. Read More
Prof Belgacom Haba is one of the most successful Algerian researchers in field of electronics around the globe. He is a graduate of the University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene (USTHB) in Algiers and obtained his PhD from the University of Stanford. He holds more than 1100 patents and he is classified as one of the top 100 researchers in terms of the number of patents. He was also selected as the Algerian Scholar of the Year 2015. Dr Riyadh Baghdadi met with Prof Belgacem Haba at Stanford University for a discussion about his professional journey, the Algerian Inventors Repository project, and general advise for students and young researchers. Read More