Tag Archives: Biomedical Engineering

Feature | Optical Projection Tomography: A light based technology for 3D visualisation

Imaging science plays a crucial role in a wide spectrum of science fields ranging from remote sensing and automated surveillance to medical and biological fields. X-rays, positron emission tomography (PET) [1] and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) [2] are just few examples of how imaging technology has propelled medical science into the next level. At Umeå Center for Molecular Medicine, we have been exploring the use of a relatively young 3D imaging technique known as Optical Projection Tomography (OTP), which we have so far applied to the investigation of diabetes in mice. Read More

Interview | Prof. Rachid Deriche laureat of the Grand Prize of the EADS Corporate Foundation in Computer Science

Prof. Rachid Deriche, Research Director at INRIA Sophia Antipolis, was awarded the 2013 French Academy of Sciences Grand Prize of the EADS Corporate Foundation in Computer Science. This award recognises the achievements of a scientist in a French laboratory who has made exceptional contributions to the vitality and influence of computer science research while building outstanding cooperation with industry. Inspire Magazine spoke with Prof. Deriche to find out more about his research activities that led to this prize, which has been officially awarded at the Institut de France on the 15th of October 2013. Read More

Interview | Artificial antibodies for self-testing technologies

Each year, MIT Technology Review 35 Innovators under 35 recognises the achievements of young innovators from both industry and academia whose work show potential to influence or profoundly transform their fields. In this year’s edition, Dr. Abdennour Abbas received an Honourable Mention for his research on artificial anti-bodies. Inspire Magazine spoke with Dr. Abbas about his invention and how it influences the field of diagnosis technology as well as its potential for contributing towards improving future healthcare systems. Read More

Feature | Signal and Image Multiresolution Analysis

Multiresolution analysis has received considerable attention in recent years from researchers in various fields. It is considered to be a powerful tool for efficiently representing signals and images at multiple levels of detail with many inherent advantages including compression, level-of-detail display and editing, as well as for practical applications such as pattern recognition, data mining and transmission. Read More